

5 Apr 2023


A prison sentence introduces a traumatic challenge to the lives of the incarcerated. But the difficulty of immersing back into society at the end of their prison term can present these individuals with an equally challenging scenario.

About 每年有四分之一的明尼苏达州囚犯被释放 出狱后三年内以重罪再次入狱. 有意义的就业是打击这种累犯的关键, but justice-impacted individuals face numerous structural barriers to securing employment. 爱博体育手机版下载有很多组织,比如 来自内心的艺术,致力于打破这些障碍. 

“Over my career, I would hear stories from individuals returning to incarceration because they could not find opportunities to earn a living. They had no choice but to come back because the barriers on the outside were too difficult to overcome,安东尼奥·埃斯皮诺萨说, 《爱博love体育》创始人. “I believe it is unjust as a society not to provide opportunities for these individuals who have done their time and want nothing more than to rise above their past.”


The number of justice-impacted individuals who have left or are in the process of leaving the criminal justice system flies under the radar of mainstream awareness. 明尼苏达州惩教署报道 4,586 该片将于2022年上映 监狱政策倡议 reported that as of 2018, there were approximately 95,000 Minnesota residents on probation.

尽管他对从事生产性工作很感兴趣, these individuals have historically faced many obstacles to returning to the workforce. Barriers arise from fear and a lack of education on a general societal basis, said Espinosa.

“除非个人或家庭成员受到监禁的影响, 大多数人并不关心这些问题,” he said. “但我们都应该关心,因为它影响到我们所有人.”

The 监狱政策倡议 indicates, ‘this perpetual labor market punishment creates a counterproductive system of release and poverty, 伤害到所有相关的人:雇主, the taxpayers and certainly formerly incarcerated people looking to break the cycle.’


来自内心的艺术 试图通过教育和意识来打破这个循环. 由埃斯皮诺萨创立, a correctional officer at the Minnesota Correctional Facility-Stillwater for nearly 20 years, the organization offers a path for incarcerated artists to express themselves through art and community exhibitions. With a focus on empowering incarcerated artists to experience personal transformation and restoration, 个人和集体变革的力量是可以实现的. 一名被监禁的艺术家C.B., stated, “通过给被监禁的艺术家一个平台, 我们鼓励救赎叙事,鼓励公众相信有第二次机会.”

艺术创作对于被监禁的人来说是一种治疗活动. 许多人在入狱前没有机会发展他们的艺术才能. Now, they can establish a platform to open a door for their creativity and self-awareness.

“The artistic process creates a dialogue to figure out their source of pain and how to move forward,” said Espinosa. “看到别人欣赏自己的作品可以建立一种基本的价值感.”

无论是通过绘画, drawing, graphic design, 诗歌或写作, 巧妙的艺术说明了这些人的巨大才能, 更重要的是, 对公众现有的潜在利益.

“The art is a vehicle for that uncomfortable conversation about who these individuals are,” he said. “While the artists gain confidence from realizing they can create something others enjoy, 社区也可以开始看到他们不仅仅是他们的记录.” 

2019冠状病毒病大流行为应对这一局势提供了独特的机会. 当如此多的企业找不到足够的员工, hiring managers can turn to justice-impacted individuals as an untapped resource of persons willing and eager to work. 

“We have to ask ourselves if we are about punishment or transformation,” said Espinosa. “重返社会很困难, 所以这个平台可以提供一个主动表现仁慈的机会, not hate, 给那些需要它的人.”


“身份”系列的第二部分——来自内心的艺术 展出了由明尼苏达州惩教机构的艺术家创作的原创作品. 该展览将于4月5日至4月30日在第七街218号的创作者空间举行. E,在圣保罗市中心. Check its website 如有特别活动,请向公众查询路线或开放时间.

The St. 保罗地区商会,与 爱博体育手机版下载劳动力创新委员会该公司正在举办月度会议 Chamber Connect 4月20日(周四)下午4点开始,在创作者空间举行展览.m. to 6:00 p.m. Network with appetizers and drinks while hearing from Espinosa about his journey creating 来自内心的艺术. 出席是免费的 donations 鼓励“来自内心的艺术”继续其工作吗.


Some other area organizations working to connect justice-impacted individuals with resources include:

  • The Minnesota Department of Corrections has several reentry services and resources, like the 明尼苏达过渡联盟. 
  • Repowered, 以前的技术转储, is one of Minnesota’s largest collectors of e-waste but is also a social enterprise that provides jobs and training for persons facing barriers to employment.
  • Twin Cities R!se has a mission “to transform the lives of those impacted by racial or socio-economic barriers through Personal Empowerment, 职业培训和有意义的就业.”
  • Ujamaa Place prepares men who are unemployed or underemployed and have yet to hold a consistent job due to instability or incarceration to enter the workforce through numerous services and resources. 
  • 我们都是罪犯 is a Minnesota non-profit organization dedicated to challenging society’s perceptions of being “criminal.” 


This piece is the second in a series of Fair Opportunities articles meant to raise awareness of the employment needs of justice-impacted individuals and the benefits to employers willing to give these returning citizens a chance at meaningful employment. Watch for upcoming content on detailed looks into area providers and resources working actively, as well as businesses and individuals who have directly benefited from their interactions. 受司法影响的个人和当地雇主可以联系 爱博体育手机版下载劳动力解决方案 for assistance.